61 Charles Street
Griliazh Restaurant (2)
Customer Service Department (1)
London W8 6RF (3)
this information can't be correct. You must write here only the info in yellow in the stated order between brackets. Remember that on the right you must write your address, city, country and zip code.
7 february 2011

Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing to complain about service that I have received in your restaurant and about the way I was have been treated.

Up until recently we have enjoyed coming to Griliazh over the years for the food and the service. Unfortunately, after our visit this past last Friday, this view has changed for us.This past Friday our immediate family brought other family members to the restaurant who was visiting from another country. Instead of the usual delightful service and fare we encountered problems almost at every turn.

The issue started when our reservation for nine was pushed back because of overfilled capacity and we were forced to wait for more than 30 minutes. We were finally given a round table which was crowded too small for a group of eight. This table was near the middle of the dining area and was surrounded by other large groups who were quite noisy. Not only were we unable to hear each other, but the waitress had to ask each of us to repeat ourselves because she was unable to hear us. The next problem occurred when half of the order was mixed up and had to be returned.

As an overall rating, our experience at your establishment was not near what we had come to expect from Griliazh. Hopefully you will be able to return to your previous level of excellence.

Yours faithfully,

Anastasiya Yablonovskaya

You must try to economize your speech. Make it shorter and go straight to the point.

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