Boys and girls should be taught separately

Separating boys and girls in the field of education has always given a lot to talk. Nowadays lecture's are mixted but some years before this wasn't posible. However, there are arguments both for and against it.

On one hand, this system help students to concentrate and obtain better results because this division avoided arguments between boys and girls.

On the other hand, separating boys and girls isn't good because they are equals in the society and they must learn to live together since young.

To conclude, I think that the best way to learn is feel comfortable staying all together, with friends boys and girls.

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Melanie Martinez

Separate boys and girls in school is something that has been done since the very begging beginning of education. Nowadays it is something more uncommon but it is stills in our society. There are pros and cons about this system of education. 

On one hand, this education has better results in girls,. One of the causes is that their time of maturation is different and they don’t feel the pressure of society about stereotypes. 

On the other hand, mixed education has advantages, this one boys had better results. Mixed schools teach both to understand the other sex and to coexist in harmony. It enriches a lot. Is another way about education and respect to the other gender, a way to see that all are equal. 

Personally, I am very disappointed about separate sexes in schools, I trully believe that we are all people, and we have to coexist in live. It is like separate brothers or sisters in home because they distract or separate people of different races… In my opinion it is something very useless. Also because in job, we are working together, in quotidian things that we do, we have to interact.  For me, separated sexes is like “discrimination of sex”.

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Kevin Sanz

‘’Girls and boys should be taught separately”

Nowadays schools are mixed and distinctions between both sexes are over, but in the past the thing was completely different. It was thought that the education received by the students was better if they were separated by sexes.

On one hand, we have that having a mixed education gives to the student the opportunity / chance both are correct, so choose one of learn to respect the other sex. It also helps them in their social life’s lives because it facilitates the relationships between girls and boys. 
(another paragraph)
On the other hand, girls' thinking is completely different from the way that boys think and it could be a problem in case it finishes in a kind of fight.unclear. 1SP

In my opinion, mixed education is the best way to help boys to learn. Imagine going to school and be being in class without any girls, that kind of education cannot be good for us. Kevin are you ok?

Kevin Sanz 

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Girls and boys should be taught separately

Nowadays, the vast majority of schools are attended both by boys and girls, although a few years ago, it was very common to teach separately both genders to teach both genders separately OR for both genders to be taught separately. Nevertheless, there are arguments both for and against it.
On the one hand, it is known that co-education has brought equality as it has ended with the past stereotypes where the women who studied were frowned. Moreover, both genders will have to live always will always have to live together so coexisting since childhood may help to teach how to be more respectful with the people around us. very long sentences!
On the other hand, it has been proved that the separated education system has brought better results and has been more effective, as the development is different in boys and girls. Furthermore, adolescents may get distracted by the other gender and even more during adolescence. And last but not least, this separation might avoid arguments between both genders. repetition
To conclude, although separating students can be considered an advantage regarding educational results, we should not forget that our education is to build up us build us up and prepare us for our future, and that is anything but coexisting peacefully and being respectful with everyone. I strongly believe that we all should we should all be taught together.  
phrasal verbs to be used in informal texts
word order

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Differentiated education

Lately there has been a lot of discussion regarding differentiated education. There was a time when education was mostly separately (two adverbs together) but nowadays people question themselves the pros and cons of this form of schooling.
On one hand, this system allows boys and girls to freely develop their personality without the pressure of the social stereotypes. Also, it is considered It is also considered better for boys and girls to study separately because their age of maturation is not the same. Moreover, there are studies that prove that the results are far better in differentiated education rather than in the mixed one.
On the other hand, this form of education is considered as unreal as it doesn’t mirror the real society, which of course, is mixed. Besides, the coexistence of the two sexes in the classroom has been discovered to be really enriching. Lastly, differentiated education contributes on the different treatment of men and women, which should instead be considered as equal.
This These advantages and disadvantages cause the division of the society, existing those who are for and those who are against this method of education. In my opinion, the best option is to study separately for some years and later change to mixed education, this way you receive the good results of the first system and the enrichment of the second one.
226 words!!!!!!!!!!!! Who wrote this, Alexandra?

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For some time the teaching method of separating boys and girls in schools are is a subject that has always been existed, there are arguments both for and against it. 1SP

One of the main advantages is that students can concentrate better on the studies. This avoids problems that may arise between boys and girls especially in certain age groups, teenagers are a clear example, in this age they only think about fall in love and separate boys and girls when studying avoid these problems. 1SP

On the other hand, this system of education is not allowed does not allow to know the thoughts of the opposite sex and they can’t socialize with them. This is a disadvantage when they go to the outside real world.

In my view, boys and girls shouldn’t be separated but for the years of teaching is better, although for the rest of their lives is better to live with both at school because we live in a society that boys and girls are always together. Opinion unclear

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Nowadays we can find schools only for one gender. However, there are arguments both for and against it.

One of the main advantages of teaching separately is that students obtain better results. Boys and girls have different methods of learning so all the class can go at the same beat. Another argument in favour is that they, students, aren't so distracted as if they were all together. Boys tend to be distracted by girls, and vice versa.

On the other hand, schools for both genders teach students not only maths or history but how to live with the other sex. This way, students are prepared for the real world. In a world where men and women live and work together, shoulder to shoulder ... (unfinished sentence). Moreover, in mixed school there is more competition, to see which gender is the best in certain things.

On balance, I would say that although girls and boys learn quicker separately, they must be together in order to get used to situations they will face in the future.

Well done John

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Celena Marí Jiménez

Smoking in public places is not allowed since some years ago. However, there are arguments for and against it.

One of the main advantages is that the public site owners, such as a bar, should have the right to choose if it is possible or not to smoke inside, because they have invested in their local and they choose how to make money. Another argument in favour of smoking in public places is that smoking is legal, than everyone is free to choose if they want to take the risk or not.

On the other hand, other people think that the public places is for the welfare of all of us, and the no smoking people have to feel comfortable without smoke. Moreover, thanks to this law, the number of smokers and passive smokers, is reducing. 

To conclude, although smoking is bad for the health I think that is not so annoying to ban it in all public places.

This is not the exercise you were supposed to do

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Girls and boys should be taught separately

Most people believe that an education is the key to success and happiness in life, so making the right choice of which academic path your child will lead is important.
So does teaching boys and girls separately make a difference academically?

Some may say that due to our biological instincts, boys tend to be distracted by girls and vice versa. Therefore they can not cannot perform their best academically, because learning requires a great load of concentration and constant dedication. As well as this, it is said that a unisex class is a stronger group of individuals. For example, girls have more confidence and confide more in there fellow gender, allowing them to express themselves easily.

In despite of these arguments, there are also downsides to teaching both genders separately. For instance, school has an important role in preparing their students for the future and growing up in this system shows them how to work and get along with their own sex, isolating them from the other. This can cause many difficulties later on in life. It also deprives students from learning from the other gender that tends to see and understand things in another way.

Overall I think that boys and girls should be taught together, because an environment with only one or the other is unreal and therefore misleading. People need to know how to work with both sexes. 

Extremely mature and beautifully written. Well done... BUT YOU'VE WRITTEN 23O WORDS!!!!!!!!

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Girls and boys should be taught separately

There are some schools that prefer boys and girls to be taught separately. However, there are arguments both for and against it.

One of the main advantages is the difficulty of for the students to be distracted by a relationship with a person of the other sex. In this way, students are more concentrated on their studies. A further advantage of teaching them separately is that they learn the same in different ways (what different ways?). This allows them to learn better.

Moreover,On the other hand, this education system negates denies the students the possibility of socializing with people of the other sex. This is a disadvantage because Irrelevant in real life, those students will work with people of the other sex, and they must be prepared for that.

In my view, girls and boys ought to be taught together because in this way they are more prepared to their future. I strongly feel that it is also a way to educate them.

Be careful, in the 3rd paragraph you must use a "contrast connector" (on the other hand, however, nevertheless,...) and not an "addition connector" (moreover, furthermore,...)

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