46 Av. País Valencià

Vinaròs (Castellón)


Customer Service Department

PC coste

33 Rodallamps Street

78900 Valencia, Spain

8 January 2011

Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing in response to the fact that I’ve received a product from your company in bad conditions. I asked for it by phoning to your local office in Valencia.

It caused me considerable inconvenience not to have my laser keyboard at the time It was expected to be ready, as I ought to have done an exhibition of that product in a university yesterday. You can believe how frustrated I felt because of it.

Furthermore, I would like to express my disagreement in the manner of delivering it, as the package wasn`t protected properly. It had some damage in the hardware; despite it’s difficult to appreciate it at first sight.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible to change the keyboard by a new one.

Yours faithfully,


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