"The press has a right to publish photographs and information about the private life of celebrities"

Before 1672, when gossip magazines showed up, there were just newspapers in which people could read interesting news about economics and politics. Nowadays, unfortunately, in the newstands, there are more gossip mazagazines than newspapers.  They tell us the private life of famous people, althought they constantly ask pararazzo to stop.

In first place, press has always tried to call the atraction of the readers by publishing compromising information. In addition, sometimes they distort reality in order to earn a bigger amount of money. In my point of view, despite press has not the intention of hurting anybody, they do it unconsciously. They cause a lot of pain. 

In second place, the people who surround famous people, family and friends, basically, can also be offended. Press are capable of making up an argument between a famous and a friend. This is a fact. Those people deserve some recpect too.

To sum up, I would like to say that press should not be always able to publish certain things that put into a embarrasing situation somebody. I think and support that famous people, as human beings they are, they must be respected and have their own intimate moments.

Post Scryptum:
I apologize for what happened in the previous essay.

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