Esteban Perales

Paparazzo have improved their method of photographing with the breakthrough in digital cameras, and with these cameras, they can do brilliant photos from far away. That is why paparazzo can photograph celebrities so easily, and they are continuously photographing famous people. I think the press have no right to publish photos and information about celebrities’ private life.
Firstly, celebrities have the right to their privacy, because paparazzi are following them all the day, is a constant pressure. For example, anyone would like to be photographed while shopping, going to the beach, eating...
Secondly, not only inform and take pictures, but also opine about the life they have, or what they do. The press is very subjective and also criticizes what celebrities do.
In conclusion, I think that some activities can be published, but some others have to be private.  In my view, the press should photograph other things that are more important that the private life of celebrities.

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